自2月27日起,ANW2航线将不再提供SHA-VAN服务. 所有原定于2/27 ZIM ATLANTIC 909E
以及3/6 ZIM CHINA 910E 上出运的LOCAL 货物现已安排退关处理,清单附上,烦请各位知悉。
特此通知, 由此所带来不便,敬请谅解!
中海集运上海有限公司 美洲部
To Whom It May Concern,
Pls be advised, ANW2 SHA-VAN service wil be cancelled since 2-27.
All the booking on 2/27 ZIM ATLANTIC 909E & 3/6 ZIM CHINA 910E has been rejected.
We feel extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused and grateful for your understanding and cooperation .
Thanks for your attention!
Chinashipping container lines co.,ltd.(shanghai)
America Lines Division
Feb 23th,2009